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My research activity focuses on venture capital, capital markets and banking, combining financial disciplines with innovative methodologies ranging from artificial intelligence to complex systems and network science.


I obtained the position of MUSA project researcher from the Italian Governement to develop my research.


My doctoral thesis, “Venture Capital and Complex Systems” was nominated among the best three theses in complex systems by CSS France.

Marta Zava

Current Research


Job Market Paper

How do VCs become influential?

  • Investors in higher kshells make more IPOs, Unicorns, and Follow-On Funding.

  • The best way to increase influence is to get an influential investor to fund a company you backed.

  • The increase in influence is independent from the success of the connecting company.

  • The paper uses: kshell decomposition, triple diff-and-diff analysis.

Who brings investments? Venture Capital through reputation, networks, and influence

  • Influential investors can help secure Follow-On Funding.

  • The youngest the startup, the highest the effect investors exercise in helping the company accessing the following funding round.

  • The effect on amount of money raised stays equal across rounds.

  • The paper develops a novel transitive fitness model and funding attraction index, and uses the Soreson-Heckman approach.


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150 Venture Capital Networks: Present and Future

  • We propose a framework of network roles throughout the investment cycle.

  • We coniate a comprehensive definition of venture capital networks.

  • We suggest a theoretical link between network topology and the flow of information, resources, and shocks within the ecosystem.

  • The paper works on 150 papers, 61 journals

Other Activities

Besides Academic Research, I also enjoy teaching, providing my view on my topics, and stuyding the current state of the market. I have also authored a book and several chapters in books!

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