Conferences & Invited Talks
This is
Invited Talks &
Guest Lectures
Oct. 24: CUNY Physics Class: Invited Lecture @ Prof. Makse Physics of Complex System class (New York, NY, USA)
Oct. 24: Seminar at CEU (Central European University) (Vienna, Austria)
Oct. 24: CEU Physics Class: Invited Lecture @ Prof. Battiston Physics of Complex System class (Vienna, Austria)
Sept 24: HISE impact cruise: VC public policy (Italy, Spain, france)
​Nov. 23: Finance Department Brown Bag Series, Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy)
Nov. 23: CREF Invited Seminar talk - Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi (Rome, Italy)
Mar. 25: MFA Midwest Finance Association (Chicago, IL, USA)
​Feb. 25: SWFA Southwestern Finance Association (San Antonio, TX, USA)
Jan. 25: ASSA2025 Allied Social Sciences Association (San Francisco, CA, USA)​
Sept. 24: CCS2024 Conference of the Complex Systems Society (Exeter, UK)
Sept. 24: youngCCS2024 Conference of the Complex Systems Society (London, UK)
Aug. 24: EEA2024 European Economic Association (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
June 24: ENTFIN24 - Entrepreneurial Finance Conference (Munich, Germany)
Jan. 24: Netsci-X24 (Venezia, Italy)
Nov. 23: FFEA 2023 Elsevier Future Finance and Economics AssociaIon (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
Oct. 23: CCS2023 Conference of the Complex Systems Society (Salvador de Bahia, Brasil)
Oct. 23: AFA AFFECT presentation (online)
June 23: NetSci 2023 (Vienna, Austria)
April 23: Complenet 2023 (Aveiro, Portugal)
Oct. 22: CCS2022 Conference of the Complex Systems Society (Palma de Maiorca, Spain)
Conference &
Schools Attendance
June 24: WFA24 Western Finance Association (Honolulu, USA)
Sept. 23: WAPFIN 2023, NYU Stern (New York, USA)
Aug. 22: EFA2022 European Finance Association (Barcelona, Spain)
Aug. 22: EEA2022 European Economic Association (Milan, Italy)
June 22: MSCX - Mediterenean School in Complex Systems (Catania, Italy)
June 22: University of Oxford - Summer School in Network Science (Oxford, UK)